35th anniversary Endeavors Infographic. Since its founding in Winter 1984, Endeavors has transformed from a print publication into a modern, digital magazine packed with multimedia content, continuing its mission of translating complex research into creative, easy-to-read articles. All 80 covers present along with informational tags. December 1993 was the bicentennial issue. November 1994 was the 10th anniversary issue. Online presence after the July 1995 issue. Magazine redesign after the April 1996 issue. Winter 2004 was the 20th anniversary issue. Won a bronze medal CASE award in 2004 for “Best Article of the Year” for “Mole in the Mole House.” Won a silver medal CASE award in 2005 for “Photography” with a photo by Jason Smith titled “Girl Playing in a Fountain.” Won a gold medal CASE award in 2006 for “Special Constituency Magazines.” Won a silver medal CASE award in 2006 for “Periodical Staff Writing for External Audiences.” Won silver medal CASE award in 2007 for “Special Constituency Magazines.” Won silver medal CASE award n 2010 for “Periodical Staff Writing for External Audiences.” Winter 2012 issue was the last issue, magazine went to be an online only magazine. Celebrated 30th anniversary in 2015. Released the “Women in Science Wednesday” Series in January 2016. Released the “Time & Tenacity” Series in June 2016. Endeavors website redesign went live in November 2016. Released the “Foundations” Series in January 2018. Celebrated the 35th anniversary in 2019. 35 Years of Research Stories: 204 contributors in print and digital. 360 digital stories. Over 1,900 researchers featured in print. Over 2,500 pages in print.