
Rachel DuMez-Kornegay, a vat of beer, Emile Charles, kombucha bottles, Justin Nolan, a grocery store shelf full of food

Quenching Curiosities

Meet three Carolina researchers studying beverages, from beer to soda, to improve human health and...
Don Nonini laughs while holding an apple

The Faces Behind Our Food

Donald Nonini and Dorothy Holland interviewed sustainable farmers and food activists across N.C. to develop...
Michelle King

A Wok Through Time

Michelle King unpacks the life of Chinese culinary icon Fu Pei-Mei in her recently released...
Lindsey Smith Taillie

A Spoonful of Policy

Lindsey Smith Taillie pushes for healthy food policies across the globe to improve eating habits...
Lyric Grimes

RUNC: Lyric Grimes

Lyric Grimes wants libraries to be safe spaces for all...
Seth LaJeunesse

RUNC: Seth LaJeunesse

Seth LaJeunesse researches safe and healthy modes of transportation...
Ashley Anderson

RUNC: Ashley Anderson

Ashley Anderson studies risky politics in dangerous places...
Heesoo Jang

Just the Facts

After helping create a fact-checking service in South Korea, Heesoo Jang continues to improve trust...
Herrison Chicas

Legacy in Labor

Herrison Chicas explores how children of immigrants carry their parents’ experiences into the workplace...