Just the Facts
After helping create a fact-checking service in South Korea, Heesoo Jang continues to improve trust...
Legacy in Labor
Herrison Chicas explores how children of immigrants carry their parents’ experiences into the workplace...
RUNC: Lightning Czabovsky
Lightning Czabovsky studies how the media depicts diverse audiences...
That’s a Cap!
Undergraduate researchers from Carolina’s 2024 graduating class share how research has shaped their college experience...
Blueprints for Preservation
Lauren Leve and Jim Mahaney partner with Nepalese locals to bring religious heritage sites to...
Lessons in Literacy
Christian Ehret examines how students read, write, and engage digitally to develop and deepen human...
Protecting Your Texts
Saba Eskandarian designs online messaging applications using cryptography, allowing users to report abusive content without...
Beyond the Stacks
Carolina’s libraries are vital for research, fueling projects across the university from art history to...
RUNC: Obed Pasha
Obed Pasha believes good governance can transform lives...