Alyssa LaFaro

On any given day, Alyssa can be found photographing the effects of climate change, digging up long-lost information in the University Archives, or writing furiously in her Bynum Hall office. As the editor of Endeavors, she’s mastered the art of “wearing many hats.” When she’s not behind a camera or a computer, she’s meeting regularly with communicators, students, and faculty from across campus to learn about the latest research projects and unlock new opportunities for collaboration.

Posts by Alyssa LaFaro:

The Faces Behind Our Food

July 22, 2024

Donald Nonini and Dorothy Holland interviewed sustainable farmers and food activists across N.C. to develop better models for local food systems.

A Spoonful of Policy

July 16, 2024

Lindsey Smith Taillie pushes for healthy food policies across the globe to improve eating habits for families and children.

Adventures in Ancient Plants

June 18, 2024

Patricia Gensel has spent her career studying 400-million-year-old plants at Carolina and across the globe.

Let’s Get Clinical

May 20, 2024

Researchers across Carolina manage clinical trials to get novel treatments and interventions into the hands of those who need them most.

Drop by Drop

May 10, 2024

Abel Abraham shares his journey from being a first-year student during the pandemic to becoming an award-winning mathematics major.

Beyond the Stacks

April 9, 2024

Carolina’s libraries are vital for research, fueling projects across the university from art history to health science.

Virtual Rehabilitation

March 21, 2024

Fear of reinjury can greatly increase an athlete’s chances of getting hurt again – but VR techniques developed by Shelby Baez can get them back in the game.

Curated Cancer Care

February 26, 2024

Carolina researchers are using CAR-T cells to create better and personalized cancer treatments in one of the largest cell therapy facilities on the East Coast.

An Unexpected Colleague

February 23, 2024

Mohammad Jarrahi wants to create symbiosis between humans and AI to improve workplace processes.