
Health: Conquering Physical, Mental, and Public Challenges

Quenching Curiosities

July 24, 2024

Meet three Carolina researchers studying beverages, from beer to soda, to improve human health and sustainability for all.

RUNC: Siddharth Sheth

July 17, 2024

Siddharth Sheth leads clinical trials to improve treatments for patients with head and neck cancer.

Let’s Get Clinical

May 20, 2024

Researchers across Carolina manage clinical trials to get novel treatments and interventions into the hands of those who need them most.

That’s a Cap!

May 7, 2024

Undergraduate researchers from Carolina’s 2024 graduating class share how research has shaped their college experience.

Everywhere Chemical Exposure

March 25, 2024

Stephanie Engel uses scans of children’s brains to study the developmental effects of chemicals widely used in plastic products called phthalates.

Virtual Rehabilitation

March 21, 2024

Fear of reinjury can greatly increase an athlete’s chances of getting hurt again – but VR techniques developed by Shelby Baez can get them back in the game.

The Sciences of Schizophrenia

March 19, 2024

Rose Mary Xavier uses her multidisciplinary background to improve research access and clinical care for patients with severe schizophrenia.

Curated Cancer Care

February 26, 2024

Carolina researchers are using CAR-T cells to create better and personalized cancer treatments in one of the largest cell therapy facilities on the East Coast.