
You Matter.

In the United States, suicide, suicidal ideation, and self-harm are public health crises among children and teens. To reduce these behaviors, researchers in the UNC School of Education and School of Medicine are addressing how school systems can help students return from hospitalization after a suicide-related crisis.

Protecting an Endemic Gem

The North Carolina Botanical Garden has been conserving Venus flytraps, native to only the North and South Carolina coasts, for nearly 50 years. To better understand these carnivorous plants, UNC researchers are engaged in projects on flytrap genetics and differentiating prey from pollinators.

Behind-the-Numbers of “Native Son”

One thousand feet of lumber, 87 props, 60 yards of fabric and a whole lot of creativity. That — and more — is what it took for the staff at PlayMakers Repertory Company to produce the first play of the 2019-20 mainstage season, "Native Son." Learn more in this infographic.