UNC-Chapel Hill

Creating Climate-Resilient Communities

July 25, 2023

The Center for Public Engagement with Science partners with the Juntos Program to empower Latino youth in educating their communities about climate change.

Backpacking for Bats

July 20, 2023

Grace Kinder shares her story of guiding citizen scientists along portions of the Appalachian Trail to connect them with nature and one of its most vital creatures: bats.

On the Surface

July 19, 2023

Claire Johnson explains her studies of microbial communities living on seaweed mats in the Atlantic Ocean’s Gulf Stream and how they cycle nitrogen.

Where Are the Workers?

June 26, 2023

Jobs are back, but workers aren’t — and despite increasing wages, young people remain slow to engage. Carolina researchers uncover why.

Up in the Air

June 23, 2023

Haley Plaas works with local communities to uncover how algal blooms affect air quality.

Science for the Future

June 20, 2023

With data spilling from all areas of life, students need tools and training to understand it. The UNC School of Data Science and Society is here to help.