RUNC: Oswaldo Estrada November 29, 2023 Oswaldo Estrada writes about historical and present-day Latin American experiences.
Poetic Portals November 28, 2023 For Gabrielle Calvocoressi, poems are gateways to other worlds to explore emotions, identity, and the past.
Empathy for the Past November 16, 2023 John Wood Sweet writes character-driven narratives filled with vivid descriptions and emotional moments to unpack early America’s complicated history.
Jumping Off the Page November 14, 2023 From student loan debt to rock ‘n’ roll, Carolina faculty discuss recent book projects and the research that went into them.
Finding His Research Rhythm October 11, 2023 Héctor Aizpurúa, Jr. recounts his journey from remedial English classes to writing his honors thesis on the musical traditions of the displaced people of the Panama Canal.
The Father Effect September 26, 2023 Shauna Cooper has spent over a decade studying Black fathers and their roles in child development.
RUNC: Molly English September 20, 2023 Molly English uses fiber arts to illustrate the history of women’s labor.
RUNC: Nicholas Lauersdorf September 6, 2023 Nicholas Lauersdorf studies diverse systems with rich behaviors.