
Posts by rpowell:

The Father Effect

September 26, 2023

Shauna Cooper has spent over a decade studying Black fathers and their roles in child development.

Harnessing Hydrogen

August 24, 2023

Carolina chemists have created a technology that can split water into its component parts, opening the door to more options for alternative energy.

A Fair Recovery

August 22, 2023

Cassandra R. Davis has dedicated her career to reframing the conversation around disaster relief, advocating for the marginalized groups that struggle to recover.

Safe Water for All

August 15, 2023

From India to Flint, Michigan, Siddhartha Roy has seen what happens when water resources are insufficient and is pushing to drastically reduce lead in drinking water by 2040.

Where Are the Workers?

June 26, 2023

Jobs are back, but workers aren’t — and despite increasing wages, young people remain slow to engage. Carolina researchers uncover why.

Teachers for Mental Health

May 18, 2023

By combining best practices in education and mental health care, Christina Cruz works to enhance interventions for elementary-aged patients before concerns become crises.

Getting the Lead Out

April 13, 2023

Jordan April is establishing a national database that will empower residents facing health concerns about lead exposure in their homes.