
Invention: Redefining Enterprise and Technology

Blueprints for Preservation

April 23, 2024

Lauren Leve and Jim Mahaney partner with Nepalese locals to bring religious heritage sites to life through interviews and digital tools.

Protecting Your Texts

April 17, 2024

Saba Eskandarian designs online messaging applications using cryptography, allowing users to report abusive content without compromising their privacy.

The Faces of AI

February 26, 2024

Roni Sengupta develops AI to modify images and works to make this technology more accessible to everyday creators.

An Unexpected Colleague

February 23, 2024

Mohammad Jarrahi wants to create symbiosis between humans and AI to improve workplace processes.

Home Truths

February 22, 2024

Hsun-Ta Hsu combines machine learning with data and community feedback to determine better housing solutions for homeless populations across the United States.

RUNC: Yunzhi Hu

January 31, 2024

Yunzhi Hu studies how banks create and solve problems.

Measuring Water from Space

September 14, 2023

A new NASA satellite is recording the first global survey of Earth’s water cycle with unprecedented accuracy — and Tamlin Pavelsky is verifying its data from North Carolina to New Zealand.

Harnessing Hydrogen

August 24, 2023

Carolina chemists have created a technology that can split water into its component parts, opening the door to more options for alternative energy.