
Posts by indiamackinson:

Cross-Cultural Connections

May 15, 2019

Documentary filmmaker Julia Haslett tells stories that transcend borders, giving her audience a window into worlds they couldn’t have explored otherwise, and are already connected to in ways they couldn’t have imagined.

Horticulture, History, and Hurricanes

March 21, 2019

In starting a community garden, the Coharie tribe reclaim their autonomy in agriculture, transforming it into a place for healing and community. UNC senior Sierra Dunne records their story, learning about the deep-rooted connections among soil, sorghum syrup, and boundless generosity in the process.

Ready, Set, Brake

November 27, 2018

While autonomous vehicles begin to appear on roadways, gaps in knowledge are blocking the way to their full integration. Researchers at UNC are asking the tough questions to ensure that the driverless car picking you up will be safe for passengers, bicyclists, and pedestrians alike.

Finding Light in the Dark

September 24, 2018

Shimul Melwani examines factors of the “dark side” of emotion in the workplace: gossip, frenemies, negativity, bad news, and close-minded leaders. Where businesses may shy away, she often finds that embracing the complexity of human emotions does more good than harm.

Roadblock to the Polls

August 16, 2018

Millions of Americans cast their votes every year, participating in a civic duty designed to make all voices and communities heard. But getting to the polls may not be as easy for some people as it is for others. UNC junior Chang Liu analyzed geographic data for approximately 224,000 Durham County voters and found widespread inequality in travel times to polling stations.