
Posts by pegmull:

What’s Your Story?

September 11, 2018

A mic, a live audience, a story. That’s Carapace, a monthly storytelling event held at Manuel’s Tavern in Atlanta, Georgia. By attending this local favorite, Sarah Beth Nelson — an Atlanta native, storyteller, and UNC doctoral candidate — strives to understand how oral information sharing shapes human relationships and community dynamics.

Hometown Health Hero

July 10, 2018

Alice Ammerman is a powerful force for nutrition research and community-based health promotion. Her nearly 40-year career heavily influences her personal approach to public health; by establishing relationships with community partners and making an effort to understand the context of community health, she aims to form lasting connections and accomplish real change.

A Massage for Your Brain

June 12, 2018

A series of studies by one research group in Oregon reported that, on average, children move one full level down the autism spectrum after 20 weeks of Qigong Sensory Training (QST) — a type of massage therapy adapted from Traditional Chinese Medicine. UNC postdoc Kristin Jerger found these results so intriguing that she has published a feasibility study for a new line of research on the neural mechanisms of QST massage.