
Augmented Health Care

April 18, 2019

Henry Fuchs is always looking 20 years ahead, and two decades from now the computer scientist thinks augmented-reality eyeglasses will be the norm. Fuchs and his team of students and colleagues are developing an augmented-reality program to aid in laparoscopic surgery training and, maybe one day, revolutionize minimally invasive surgery.

Sprains and the Brain

April 16, 2019

Most people don’t think a sprained ankle is serious, but Erik Wikstrom disagrees. The UNC exercise and sports scientist studies the mechanisms and long-term impacts of lateral ankle sprains — exploring not only how they affect local tissues, but how they change the way the brain programs movement.

Research Revisted

February 7, 2019

In the 28 years Endeavors was a print magazine, over 80 editions were published and featured researchers in a variety of disciplines –– from medicine to theater. The Endeavors’ team sat down with a few who formerly graced our covers to look back on their experience working with the publication.

In Your Backyard

November 9, 2018

Allison Duprey and Andrew Zachman experience new opportunities through hands-on fieldwork — right here, on UNC’s campus.

Stepping Into the Lab

November 8, 2018

Jackson Richards learns how to build a successful research project and implement skills acquired in the classroom.

Just Jump In

November 7, 2018

Kou Yang lets curiosity guide him into the research lab at the Gfeller Center, where he’s uncovered his desire to become an athletic trainer.

Coastal Connections

November 6, 2018

Liah McPherson accidentally got involved in research at UNC when she tried to enroll in a graduate class as a freshman — an experience that’s led her to new colleagues and fostered her love of dolphins.

An Unforgettable Experience

November 5, 2018

This week, UNC celebrates University Research Week — an annual campus-wide event packed with lectures, workshops, and undergraduate research stories designed to promote awareness of research opportunities at Carolina.

Chasing Cephalopod Dreams

October 8, 2018

Jared Richards recalls childhood memories walking through the halls of the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C. and the awe of all that surrounded him. A summer research internship made it possible for the Carolina undergrad to return and contribute to the world-renowned institution.

Emotional Environment

October 2, 2018

When Meredith Emery photographed geography researchers conducting fieldwork, she couldn’t believe what she saw — a slew of litter along streambeds and forest lines. Now she’s sharing these images through a multimedia project blending art and science in an effort to change how the public relates to and thinks about the local environment.