
Eduardo Sato

Eduardo Tadafumi Sato

Eduardo Tadafumi Sato is a PhD candidate in the Department of Music within the UNC...
Roseau Valley in Saint Lucia

The Storm that Changed Her

A hurricane in 2010 turned Caela O’Connell’s dissertation plans upside down. It continues to affect...
Auguste Raffet's " Gâres les Albums"

Setting the Art World Ablaze

Upon discovering a series of political cartoons mocking artists in 18th- and 19th-century France in...
Lamar Graham

Lamar Graham

Lamar Graham is an assistant professor of Spanish in the Department of Romance Studies within...
the word Cherokee switching from English to Cherokee

The Sanctity of Cherokee

As a result of systemic oppression, there are fewer than 200 native Cherokee speakers in...
Carolina Textile District members gather around a table

Putting Skill to Work

Nichola Lowe spotted the gaps in the U.S. workforce long before the pandemic shined a...
Rainier Masa

Rainier Masa

Rainier Masa is an assistant professor in the UNC School of Social Work. He studies...
students head to class on UNC's campus

The Time Tracker

The pace of life varies often. Sometimes it drags, others it races. But if time...
a woman holds a sign that reads "the real pandemic is racism"

Taking On Discrimination

Julian Rucker wants to motivate people to address the stark racial disparities that have characterized...