
Searching for Better Ways to Search

In 2000, researchers in the School of Information and Library Science’s Interaction Design Lab were...

Zardas Lee

Zardas Lee is a PhD student in the Department of History within the UNC College...
an elderly man and two young girls hold colorful signs while walking down a street in Mexico

The P’urhépecha Podcasts

Through community radio and podcasts, Maria Gutierrez strives to preserve her ancestral language and identity...
Tenrikyo Church Headquarters in Tenri, Nara, Japan

Spiritual Evolution

Through study of a “new” Japanese religion called Tenrikyo and centuries of Japanese history, PhD...
Suzanne Zaccardo holds an American flag in front of her computer to lead her online class in the Pledge of Allegiance

Learning As We Go

Teachers are stressed. Students are struggling. Parents are shouldering more responsibilities than ever before. While...
a graphic of a $100 where Ben Franklin has a thermometer in his mouth and an ice pack on his head

Taking the Economy’s Temperature

Millions of people are unemployed, many industries are struggling, and some businesses will never open...
Rachel Woodul

A Public Health Prognosis

Graduate student Rachel Woodul spent two years researching what might happen to hospital capacity when...

In It for the Long Haul

For some COVID-19 patients, the initial infection is just the start of the battle. Post-COVID...
Rachel Woodul

Rachel Woodul

Rachel Woodul is a PhD student in the Department of Geography within the UNC College...