UNC–Chapel Hill prides itself on the abundance of opportunities available to undergraduate researchers. Even so, it can be daunting for students to make that first step into hands-on research. Autumn Tucker, a senior majoring in neuroscience, talks about working in the Leon Coleman Lab and how that has shaped her education and growth as a researcher.
Across the nation, data indicate that meaningful conversations between teachers and students from kindergarten to third grade are limited to an average of 28 total minutes per day — something that prevents children from developing their ability to communicate in important ways. The Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute’s FirstSchool initiative strives to change that.
Sarah Schmitt is a PhD student in the Department of Geography atUNC-Chapel Hill. Her research examines the strong coupling between hydrology and ecology in tropical islands. She is funded by the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program, the Geological Society of America, and National Geographic’s Young Explorers Program.