
Posts by markderewicz:

In Our Blood

September 15, 2020

In the last six months, researchers have engaged in countless studies to test therapies for treating COVID-19. Some have shown promise, but still nothing is a surefire solution. What if we are the answer? UNC experts from multiple fields are leading projects to understand how plasma and antibodies from people who contracted the virus might be used to prevent and slow the spread of the disease.

Another Piece of the Puzzle

June 9, 2016

UNC clinical researchers begin the largest-ever genetic study of autism to elucidate the complex genetics of the condition.

Team Science for Turner Syndrome

December 1, 2015

The NC TraCS Institute and a Translational Team Science Award help collaborators uncover what could be the cause of painful chronic ear infections that plague people with chromosomal and genetic conditions

Comprehending Chemotaxis

November 5, 2015

James Bear uncovers the intricate mechanisms that allow certain cells to move, discoveries with implications for cancer metastasis.

A Nobel Win

October 13, 2015

Aziz Sancar attributes his award-winning success to those who collaborated with him over the years.

The Family Disease

April 24, 2015

Cystic fibrosis took five of her siblings at a young age. Now, Wanda O’Neal is part of a team of UNC researchers searching for reasons why. Their latest work provides insight that will help unravel why a sixth sibling with CF is living a productive life as he turns 50.

Another Breastfeeding Benefit

February 6, 2015

Gut bacteria reveal that exclusively breastfed babies are better equipped for the transition to solids.

All the Cell’s a Stage

October 29, 2014

Brian Strahl and his band of biochemists unravel the complicated mysteries of the epigenetic code to find a culprit in cancer development.


October 15, 2014

Sixteen years after scientists found the genes that control the circadian clock in all cells, the lab of UNC’s Aziz Sancar discovers the mechanisms responsible for keeping our internal clocks in sync.

The Two-Photon Future

September 4, 2014

UNC neuroscientist Spencer Smith creates a new kind of microscope to study the brain like never before.