UNC PhD student Colleen Betti sifts through dirt at her field site in Gloucester, Virginia.

Sifting Through Schoolyard Memories

This summer, UNC-Chapel Hill PhD student Colleen Betti and 80 volunteers rushed to uncover a historic schoolyard that was about to be paved over and transformed into a parking lot. Their mission: to...
Rainier Masa

Rainier Masa

Rainier Masa is an assistant professor in the UNC School of Social Work. He studies the intersection of socioeconomic precarity, stigma, and HIV in adolescents and young adults...

In Hot Water

Warming ocean waters are one of many climate change consequences, and scientists have observed fish migrating to stay within their preferred temperature range. Janet Nye, a UNC-Chapel Hill marine...

Stephanie Smith

Stephanie Smith is a PhD student in the Department of Earth, Marine, and Environmental Sciences within the UNC College of Arts & Sciences. By observing squid, she researches how bacteria acquire...
Tessa Davis and Liz Farquhar conduct fieldwork in the North Andean Paramo

Perseverance in the Páramo

This summer, UNC-Chapel Hill research technicians Liz Farquhar and Tessa Davis traveled to the Andes Mountains in Ecuador for a project in the páramo, a beautiful but challenging ecosystem. While the...
students head to class on UNC's campus

The Time Tracker

The pace of life varies often. Sometimes it drags, others it races. But if time always moves at the same rate, why does it feel different? That’s a question UNC-Chapel Hill philosopher Carla...
a woman holds a sign that reads "the real pandemic is racism"

Taking On Discrimination

Julian Rucker wants to motivate people to address the stark racial disparities that have characterized the history of the United States. As a UNC-Chapel Hill postdoctoral researcher, he uses social...

Searching for Sheepshead

Commercial and recreational fishing are important contributors to the North Carolina economy, but there are still lots of unknowns about many fish species. UNC–Chapel Hill PhD student Lewis...
Maggie Melo

Maggie Melo

Maggie Melo is an assistant professor within the UNC School of Information and Library Science. She studies how design and spatial interventions can be integrated into makerspaces and other...
Photo: A young woman in black leans into a large device of wood and metal. She is lit from behind by an open window.

A Respectable Use of Time

How do official records of the American past differ from those documented by the everyday women who lived through it? Danielle Burke, a master’s student in the UNC-Chapel Hill Department of American...

Finding Her Field

UNC–Chapel Hill prides itself on the abundance of opportunities available to undergraduate researchers. Even so, it can be daunting for students to make that first step into hands-on research. Autumn...
Nihar Vaidya

Nihar Vaidya

Nihar Vaidya is a junior double-majoring in computer science and statistics and analytics within the UNC College of Arts & Sciences. He is also a Chancellor's Science Scholar. He uses...