On any given day, Alyssa can be found photographing the effects of climate change, digging up long-lost information in the University Archives, or writing furiously in her Bynum Hall office. As the editor of Endeavors, she’s mastered the art of “wearing many hats.” When she’s not behind a camera or a computer, she’s meeting regularly with communicators, students, and faculty from across campus to learn about the latest research projects and unlock new opportunities for collaboration.
A gene therapy clinical trial for hemophilia shows promise and could be approved by the FDA later this year — a feat made possible, in part, by UNC-Chapel Hill's 70-year-old research program
Since middle school, Michelle Itano has been mesmerized by the power of microscopes. These seemingly familiar pieces of technology can do so much more than simply capture images of small things. They can unveil a world beyond our imagination — one Itano strives to show as many people as possible.