
Picture of Paola Gehrig and William Zamboni together in the lab

Chasing Pac-Man

Two UNC researchers design a biological test to individualize chemotherapy...
Illustration of prescription pills spilled out of a pill bottle. First pill has an airbubble above it saying "Spasms?", the next says "Tremors?", and the last says "Facial Tics?"

The Genetics of Drug Side Effects

UNC School of Medicine’s William Valdar and James Crowley lead a quest to discover the...
Image of a child getting ear tube replacement surgery.

To tube or not to tube?

Every year, millions of children undergo surgery to have tubes placed in their ears. UNC...

Your Brain on Salt

UNC’s Patrick Giguere uncovers a single sodium ion that regulates how pain medications work in...
Scan of a mouse brain showing beams of radiation through it

Radiation Revolution

Designed to kill tumors, microbeams spare surrounding tissue...
Little girl sits in chair with a box of popcorn, smiling

Weighing the Evidence

What messages are children's movies sending about weight?...

Battling AIDS in Africa

An estimated thirty million people in Africa carry HIV. In the battle against the virus...