
Fighting Emerging Diseases at UNC

Imagine a drug that could cure everything from Ebola to the common cold. Utilizing the...
Min Zheng

Min Zheng

Min Zheng is a research associate in the Department of Ophthalmology within the UNC School...
Rachel Noble collects water samples along the beach in Morehead City

Rachel Noble

Rachel Noble is the Mary and Watts Hill Jr. Distinguished Professor at the UNC Institute...
a graphic of a woman with a rain cloud over her head; her back is to a small child playing with a yellow ball

Like Mother, Like Child

One in nine new moms struggle with depression — but single moms, immigrants, and those...
Cleo Samuel

Cleo Samuel

Cleo Samuel is an assistant professor in the Department of Health Policy and Management within...
a woman massages the hand of a child lying on a table

A Massage for Your Brain

A series of studies by one research group in Oregon reported that, on average, children...
Sarah stands on a library stool while taking a photo of hospital ledgers, held by Lucas in the North Carolina State Archives.

Decoding Dorothea Dix Hospital

Can the creation of a new park be influenced by a centuries-old mental hospital? The...
Kripa Ahuja

Kripa Ahuja

Rising junior Kripa Ahuja is an undergraduate researcher in the Division of Clinical Laboratory Science...
Virginie Papadopoulou

Virginie Papadopoulou

Virginie Papadopoulou is a research assistant professor within the Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering at...