Safer Supplements
Millions of children live with anemia, and treating it can be dangerous. Carla Cerami’s lab...
The Shedding Effect
UNC microbiologists pinpoint a gene that makes RSV one of the deadliest infections a baby...
A new way to control diabetes
The EndoBarrier could help many people control their type 2 diabetes without drugs or surgery...
The Birth Defects Detective
Andy Olshan is trying to solve some of the saddest mysteries of medicine...
Chasing Pac-Man
Two UNC researchers design a biological test to individualize chemotherapy...
The Genetics of Drug Side Effects
UNC School of Medicine’s William Valdar and James Crowley lead a quest to discover the...
To tube or not to tube?
Every year, millions of children undergo surgery to have tubes placed in their ears. UNC...
Your Brain on Salt
UNC’s Patrick Giguere uncovers a single sodium ion that regulates how pain medications work in...
Radiation Revolution
Designed to kill tumors, microbeams spare surrounding tissue...