
Emily Hynes

Emily Hynes is a PhD student in the Department of Music within the UNC College of Arts & Sciences. She studies women who made music within prisons of the American South from the 1930s to '40s and creates interactive digital maps to convey this information.

Rachel Despard

Rachel Despard is a senior majoring in music with minors in public policy and social and economic justice within the UNC College of Arts & Sciences. She studies how recorded music boosts community collaboration, affects visibility for vulnerable populations, and addresses systematic inequalities.

Alex Kresovich

Alex Kresovich is a PhD student in the UNC Hussman School of Journalism and Media. He explores how popular music with references to mental health affects populations with mental health disorders.

Tuned into Neuroscience

There are a host of ways neuroscientists can study the brain. Some analyze its chemistry, others its structure. UNC researcher Flavio Frohlich examines its electrical system, what he calls the "language of the brain," and investigates how miscommunication in these signals can play a role in psychiatric illnesses.

A Love for Latin Rhythms

Stephen Anderson, a critically acclaimed composer and pianist, and a professor in the Department of Music in the College of Arts & Sciences, has a knack for finding Latin rhythms wherever he goes—most recently, the Dominican Republic.  

The Music of Discovery

At the intersection of art and science, music professor Lee Weisert creates sound installations that allow audiences to experience the natural world in a unique way.