How does the visual richness of clothes contribute to who we are? After nearly 50 years of designing costumes at UNC, Bobbi Owen is retiring. Her expertise in period-piece costume design has brought countless characters and productions to life at PlayMakers Repertory Company.
Kevin Pendergast is a master’s student specializing in technical production in the Department of Dramatic Art within the UNC College of Arts & Sciences. He studies the process of moving an artistic idea to the stage using techniques like scenic fabrication and audio-visual production.
With nine shows in a season, PlayMakers Repertory Company is always bustling — staff often begin work on the next play before the previous one wraps up. From props to costumes and set design, every few weeks the theater’s technical production teams are charged with creating a new world for each show.
When the actors of PlayMakers Repertory Company step onto the stage, they become someone new. Taking on a character is a science all its own — one that requires art, imagination, and research to accomplish. And it doesn’t hurt to have a dramaturg handy, either.