
Jumping Off the Page

November 14, 2023

From student loan debt to rock ‘n’ roll, Carolina faculty discuss recent book projects and the research that went into them.

Clarifying Copyright to Improve Care

March 14, 2022

With the shift to online health care during the pandemic, media law expert Amanda Reid questioned how copyright affects the work of music therapists. After learning how it can dictate care, she wrote a paper proposing that Congress create an exemption for these services.

The Formula for Reform

July 9, 2020

Jessica Smith is a professor within the UNC School of Government and director of the Criminal Justice Innovation Lab. Her decades-long career at Carolina has evolved alongside the state’s criminal justice system, which she has helped transform using an evidence-based formula for reform.

Plotting a Prisoner’s Parole

April 15, 2015

If you're sentenced to life in prison, you might eventually be released through parole. But what are the chances a prisoner with a life sentence will actually get parole? A UNC researcher dug through years of data to find out.

Grow your own way

July 29, 2014

UNC researchers are helping Warren County officials find ways to boost local business without sacrificing their rural quality of life.

A Fair Sentence

April 21, 2014

Jamie Markham created a mobile app to help N.C. prosecutors, lawyers, and judges determine the correct sentences for criminal offenders.