Tuned into Neuroscience
There are a host of ways neuroscientists can study the brain. Some analyze its chemistry...
One Size Won’t Fit All
Nearly 35 percent of Americans are considered obese — a diagnosis that has become so...
Soldering Learning Leaks
New research from Carolina Demography shows how students “leak out” of the postsecondary educational pipeline...
The Known Unknowns
In 2016, a group of North Carolina researchers published evidence of high rates of PFAS...
A Father for Social Science
The Odum Institute, the first social science research center in the world, has trained and...
Military Mindset
Before 2001, the use of prescribed psychoactive medications in U.S. Army warzones was restricted. But...
To Conquer the World
In the earth’s long history of rulers and warriors, few stand as tall as Alexander...
A Veteran’s View
During his deployments to Afghanistan in 2012 and 2014, Reuben Mabry relied on his artwork...
Combating Concussions
There are a thousand ways service members can receive mild traumatic brain injuries during training...