
Old image of a researcher sitting in a car, with a sign on the top of it saying "7; Driver Education. Captial Area Multi-Vehicle Laboratory"

Hedging High Stakes and Human Behavior

How the UNC Highway Safety Research Center changed America’s driving behavior — saving lives and...
Portrait of William Leuchtenburg in his study, in front of a typewriter.

Getting to Know the American Presidents

Emeritus UNC College of Arts & Sciences history professor William Leuchtenburg talks his new book...
Picture of "The Mind Club" book on a table.

Welcome to the Mind Club

UNC College of Arts & Sciences psychologist Kurt Gray explains why we give voices to...
PET scan of a brain. Various regions of the brain are different colors to show activation.

Committed to Memory

Alzheimer’s disease affects more than 5 million Americans — a number predicted to increase to...
Infographic Illustration of a stack of boulders and rocks, looking as though they will fall over. Graphic states "Stopping the Stigma: The rate of suicide in the U.S. is nearly triple the rate of murder. 70% of people who die by suicide have either bipolar disorder and/or depression. 30% of people who die by suicide have either suffered from schizophrenia, substance abuse, post-traumatic stress, personality disorder, and/or anorexia. Depression affects approximately 6.7% of the U.S. population each year. Despite the success rate for depression treatment, two out of three people affected do not seek out of receive treatment."

Stopping the Stigma

UNC-Chapel Hill faculty focus on suicide prevention — a difficult topic that needs more voice...
Illustration infographic. Burger equals 22 water droplets. One water droplet equals 500 gallons of water. Note: An average American show uses about 18 gallons of water.

Platter Chatter

One UNC philosophy professor invites us to question what we put on our plates...
Collage of 2016 presidential candidates: Donald Trump (top left), Bernie Sanders (top right), Hillary Clinton (bottom left), and Ted Cruz (bottom right).

The Power of Hate

UNC communications professor Michael Waltman explains why hate speech is prominent in 2016 politics...
Collage of couples interacting.

The Little Things

Research from UNC social psychology professor Sara Algoe suggests gratitude and shared laughter strengthen romantic...
Photo of Heather Patterson King talking to students during a PlayMakers outreach program.

Setting the Stage

A lifelong passion for theatre influences one undergraduate student to research how the art form...