Eileen Parsons
Eileen Parsons is a professor of science education within the UNC School of Education and...
Got It Covered
Throughout Endeavors’ 35 years, some of Carolina’s brightest and most innovative researchers have graced the...
Research Revisted
In the 28 years Endeavors was a print magazine, over 80 editions were published and...
Aditi Adhikari
Aditi Adhikari is a junior and Morehead Cain Scholar majoring in public policy with a...
Nisha Gottfredson
Nisha Gottfredson is an assistant professor in the Department of Health Behavior within the UNC...
Hannah Kim
Hannah Kim is a junior double-majoring in psychology and economics, with a minor in social...
Ashley Ward
Ashley Ward is the climate integration and outreach associate for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric...
Ready, Set, Brake
While autonomous vehicles begin to appear on roadways, gaps in knowledge are blocking the way...
Erika Wilson
Erika Wilson is the Thomas Willis Lambeth Distinguished Professor in Public Policy within the UNC...