Capturing the Lives of Sea Creatures
Liah McPherson records the lives of dolphins and whales — from Hawaiʻi to Antarctica...
Bewitched by Invertebrates
Jared Richards studies bizarre and beautiful sea creatures over 480 million years old...
Thirst for the Search
How Brian Coffey’s love for hunting objects unearthed a dinosaur in Durham and led him...
Stephanie Caddell
Stephanie Caddell is a sophomore studying environmental science in the Department of Earth, Marine, and...
Galápagos: A Gateway for Global Research
For more than 10 years, the UNC Center for Galápagos Studies has been a hub...
Disassembling Evolution’s Engine
When a research project centered on evolution within spadefoot toads fell through, Emily Harmon shifted...
The Smorgasbord Scientist
Why do some organisms live in groups? What influences their cooperation with one another? How...
Anna Fraser
Anna Fraser is PhD student in the Department of Chemistry within the UNC College of...
The Storm that Changed Her
A hurricane in 2010 turned Caela O’Connell’s dissertation plans upside down. It continues to affect...