Folate — Friend or Foe?
UNC Nutrition Research Institute scientists focus on folate, a vitamin once considered critical for health...
A Big Bite
How a dinner conversation inspired David Courson to refocus his research on drug-resistant infections...
The NCGENE Genies
Navigating the ethical issues and medical uncertainty of genomic sequencing...
Comprehending Chemotaxis
James Bear uncovers the intricate mechanisms that allow certain cells to move, discoveries with implications...
A Nobel Win
Aziz Sancar attributes his award-winning success to those who collaborated with him over the years...
Will Work for Water
From New Jersey to North Carolina to Ghana, an undergraduate researcher follows her passion to...
Cigarettes: The Big Picture
Will graphic warnings motivate people to quit smoking?...
The Defense Against Flu
Obesity makes influenza more dangerous. But it may also give us clues about how to...
Cleaning up Air Quality
A UNC researcher investigates why North Carolina teachers are having trouble breathing—in their own classrooms...