a woman and a man in blue lab coats lower the pressure gage on technical equipment inside a lab

Catalyzing Innovation

Over the last five years alone, more than 15 UNC students have accepted jobs at Eastman, a materials and specialty additives company in Kingsport, Tennessee. On top of hiring Carolina grads, the company supports research projects across four departments within three schools at UNC, creating a successful model for how industry partnerships function at the university.
a girl wearing chemistry goggles scrapes blue 3-D printer filament into a tray of a 3-D printer

Rima Janusziewicz

Rima Janusziewicz is a PhD student in the Department of Chemistry within the UNC College of Arts & Sciences, and a graduate research assistant in the DeSimone Lab. Her research focuses on a more effective way to 3-D print objects called continuous liquid interface production and how that method aids application development for the life sciences.
a young Chinese girl in a lab coat pipettes fluid into a vial

Ling Lin

Junior Ling Lin is an undergraduate researcher within the UNC College of Arts & Sciences double-majoring in chemistry and Asian studies. She is also a McNair Scholar and a Chancellor’s Science Scholar. Her research focuses on developing novel antiplatelet therapeutics to inhibit blood clot formation and prevent the risk of heart attack and stroke.
a young girl (Haley Moser) collects a water sample from an outdoor hose faucet attached to a brick wall

Haley Moser

Senior Haley Moser is an undergraduate researcher within the UNC College of Arts & Sciences double-majoring in environmental sciences and geography. Her research focuses on utilizing geographic data to identify the spread and level of nutrients and contamination within waterbodies after a major weather event like a hurricane — information that helps local governments better prepare for when the next storm hits.
a woman (Tonya VanDeinse) stands in front of the UNC School of Social Work on Pittsboro Street

Tonya VanDeinse

Tonya VanDeinse is a clinical assistant professor within the UNC School of Social Work. Her research focuses on how to improve mental health and criminal justice outcomes for adults diagnosed with both mental illnesses and substance use disorders.
A large crowd of people gather in front of a sign that reads "Stoczni Gdańskiej im. Lenina."

Sounds of Revolution

A generation under Soviet control made its voice heard on tape. UNC music scholar Andrea F. Bohlman is listening.
a 20-something female stands in front of a autumn-orange tree and smiles at the camera

Victoria Whitley

Junior Victoria Whitley is an undergraduate researcher within the UNC College of Arts & Sciences majoring in applied mathematics. She is also a research assistant in the Joint Applied Mathematics and Marine Sciences Fluids Lab. Her research focuses on understanding how some salts dissolve in corn syrup, causing stratified fluids to diffuse unevenly.
a 20-something woman sits cross-legged on a rock and looks into the distance

The Kids Are Not Alright

Even though more than 1.4 million American children under the age of 18 care for siblings or parents who have a chronic illness or disability, support for this demographic is in short supply. UNC geographer Elizabeth Olson and collaborators look to other countries as models for growing youth caregiver resources in the United States.
a woman talks with a male food bank official as they stand in a warehouse among shelves of canned food

A Foreign Exchange

Last fall, UNC professor Maureen Berner visited food banks across Belgium to learn how they handle issues of poverty and food insecurity. This scholarly exchange was also a home exchange, as University of Antwerp historian Maarten Van Ginderachter came to Carolina to work on his new book and collaborate with professors.
a woman - Dean Nena Peragallo Montano -- smiles at the camera

Nena Peragallo Montano

Nena Peragallo Montano is the dean of and professor within the UNC School of Nursing. Her research focuses on health disparities in HIV prevention among Latinos, as well as translating research into best practice within the community.

Reef. Sleep. Repeat.

In December, graduate students from the UNC Department of Marine Sciences spent 10 days transplanting corals on the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef in southern Belize. The data they collect from this research could impact coral reef conservation efforts in the future.
an African-American woman presents on stage at a TED Talk in Texas

Elizabeth Wayne

Elizabeth Wayne is a postdoctoral fellow in the Carolina Center for Nanotechnology in Drug Delivery within the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy. Her research focuses on using nanomedicine to manipulate the natural behavior of immune cells for the delivery of therapeutics.