Photo of Tim Ronan burying a cable to a solar panel into the dirt, overlooking the Llaima volcano.

Tracking the Earth’s Heart Beats

A team of researchers uses cutting-edge technology to better predict when and how one of South America’s most active volcanoes will erupt.
Microscopic image of Single stem cells and paneth cells on a dish.

Extreme Cell Makeover

Mini-guts help researchers isolate and track stem cells to improve intestinal health.
Illustration of a family of three riding in a self-driving car away from a city.

More Processors, More Problems

Driverless cars were supposed to be right around the corner. What’s the holdup?
Photo of Dinesh Manocha and Carl Schissler help someone testing out their VR-headphones display.

What’s in a Sound?

UNC researchers are making waves—literally—with groundbreaking advancements in sound technology.
Portrait of Ned Sharpless in the lab.

Sleep for Cells

With new funding, a UNC startup is poised to halt the most devastating effects of chemotherapy.
Portrait of Karina Javalkar.

Kids’ Chronic Care

Imagine taking five or ten medications a day—before you even graduate high school. An undergrad researcher helps young adults transition to managing their own care.
Portrait of Andrea Azcarate-Peril in the lab.

Another Breastfeeding Benefit

Gut bacteria reveal that exclusively breastfed babies are better equipped for the transition to solids.
Photo of Elizabeth Shank in the lab, examining a petri dish.

The Bugs in Your Drugs

When it comes to fighting disease, bacteria do it better.
Photo of four undergraduate students examining oysters.

Can We Have Our Oysters and Eat Them, Too?

Undergraduate researchers study whether harvesting oysters helps or hurts coastal ecosystems.
Photo of Hans Paerl and Ph.D. student Joey Crosswell posing in the lab.

What’s Hiding in Our Coastal Waters?

Marine science researchers at UNC have found that estuaries generate natural defenses against the effects of global warming—until a hurricane hits.
Photo of Anna Atencio smoothing out a sediment core sample on to two long trays in the Rodriguez lab.

A Lifelong Scientist Finds Her Calling at UNC

Anna Atencio wasn’t planning to come to Carolina—until she learned about the Chancellor’s Science Scholars Program.
Portrait of Brian Strahl.

All the Cell’s a Stage

Brian Strahl and his band of biochemists unravel the complicated mysteries of the epigenetic code to find a culprit in cancer development.