Tanya Shields and Kathy Perkins hold up the book "Help Me to Find My People" by former UNC-Chapel Hill professor, Heather Williams.

A New Chapter

How a book inspired two UNC professors to discuss belonging and home in African diaspora communities.
Portrait of Folami Ideraabdullah in the lab.

Folami Ideraabdullah

Folami Ideraabdullah is an assistant professor in the Department of Genetics in the UNC School of Medicine and a researcher at the Nutrition Research Institute in Kannapolis. Her research looks at the genetic differences between individuals to determine how the cells in the body respond to changes in diet.
Collage of 2016 presidential candidates: Donald Trump (top left), Bernie Sanders (top right), Hillary Clinton (bottom left), and Ted Cruz (bottom right).

The Power of Hate

UNC communications professor Michael Waltman explains why hate speech is prominent in 2016 politics.
Tom Keyserling talks to attendees at the "Living the Good Life Expo" event.

Heart-Healthy Hushpuppies

Heart Healthy Lenoir teaches Lenoir County residents that paying attention to fat and carbohydrate quality can substantially reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.
Collage of couples interacting.

The Little Things

Research from UNC social psychology professor Sara Algoe suggests gratitude and shared laughter strengthen romantic partnerships.
Photo of Francesca Peay on a boat off the coast of North Carolina.

Francesca Peay

Junior Francesca Peay is an undergraduate researcher majoring in environmental studies with a minor in marine sciences. She works in the Coastal Environmental Change Lab, and her research looks at how dune height affects beachfront before and after storm events.
Portrait of Kemi Doll on campus.

Kemi Doll

Kemi Doll is a clinical instructor in the UNC OB-GYN Division of Gynecologic Oncology and a Cancer Care Quality Training Program Post-Doctoral Fellow at the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health. In 2015, she received a Postdoctoral Award for Research Excellence.
Portrait of Emily Jennings on campus.

Emily Jennings

Senior Emily Jennings is an undergraduate researcher in the Kieber Lab at UNC-Chapel Hill. A biology major, her research focuses on the communication, production, and function of plant hormones. Jennings specifically studies how hormones affect rice in aims to increase food production.
Portrait of Cynthia Bulik in the lab.

Cynthia Bulik

Cynthia Bulik is the Jordan Distinguished Professor of Eating Disorders in the Department of Psychiatry, a professor in the Department of Nutrition, and director of the UNC Eating Disorders Program. A clinical psychologist, her research includes treatment, laboratory, epidemiological, twin, and genetic studies of eating disorders and weight regulation.

Folate — Friend or Foe?

UNC Nutrition Research Institute scientists focus on folate, a vitamin once considered critical for health, to learn how much the body needs to function properly


The UNC community applauds doctoral candidate Ted Mansfield, who won a Best Paper Award from the Society for Risk Analysis in December for his research on air pollution in the Research Triangle
Photo of Madelyn Percy giving a thumbs up as she measures soil drainage on the Galapagos Islands.

Madelyn Percy

Madelyn Percy is a PhD candidate in the Department of Geological Sciences. She is a recipient of the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program and a Royster Fellow. Her research focuses on how rocks weather and soils develop across microclimates in the Galápagos Islands.