Ila Chilberg

Getting Their Hands Dirty

This summer, undergraduates are experiencing history firsthand as part of the archaeology program’s field school
Shekinah Elmore

Slowly, Then All at Once

Shekinah Elmore’s road to radiation oncology was long, exhausting, and unexpected.
Portrait of Suad Jabr. They are outside, leaning against a reflective surface with their arms crossed.

Queering the Borders

PhD candidate Suad Jabr is listening to the stories of LGBTQIA+ refugees.
Brent Harrison stands on the beach

Infusing Hope for Hemophilia

A gene therapy clinical trial for hemophilia shows promise and could be approved by the FDA later this year — a feat made possible, in part, by UNC-Chapel Hill's 70-year-old research program

Sahar Ahmad

Sahar Ahmad is a postdoctoral researcher in the Biomedical Research Imaging Center within the UNC School of Medicine. She uses neuroimaging to research brain development across the human lifespan.
Erik Zhang

Erik Zhang

Erik Zhang is a teaching assistant professor in the Department of Philosophy within the UNC College of Arts & Sciences. He studies why people give preference to the needs and interests of family members, friends, and themselves over strangers.

The People’s Historian

Darin Waters believes that through the study of history, we can find out where we’ve been and glimpse where we’re going – something he learned during his PhD project at Biltmore Estate.
Clark Larsen working at Catalhoyuk

The Bone Decoder

Clark Larsen uncovers the stories of bones, recreating the lives of people who lived thousands of years ago.
Liah McPherson

Capturing the Lives of Sea Creatures

Liah McPherson records the lives of dolphins and whales — from Hawaiʻi to Antarctica.
Jared Richards holds a specimen in the paleontology collection at Harvard's Museum of Comparative Zoology

Bewitched by Invertebrates

Jared Richards studies bizarre and beautiful sea creatures over 480 million years old.

Farnosh Mazandarani

Farnosh Mazandarani is a PhD student in the UNC Hussman School of Journalism and Media. She studies popular pornographic media content in the U.S. and how trends in popularity coincide with societal and cultural events, advances, and movements.
Brain Coffey

Thirst for the Search

How Brian Coffey’s love for hunting objects unearthed a dinosaur in Durham and led him to a career in the energy sector.