Photo of Emma Kelly holding her hand out of a well in Kpendua, Ghana.

Will Work for Water

From New Jersey to North Carolina to Ghana, an undergraduate researcher follows her passion to improve access to clean water.
Split photos: Left shows a dashcam view; looking at from the from of the car at the road and the backend of the car in front. Right image shows a young teen driving with her father.

Better Backseat Drivers

The UNC Highway Research Safety Center pushes parents to be a driving force.
Overview map displaying the Rocky Mount properties after Hurricane Floyd and where the floodplains were during that flood. Many of the new developments are in the floodplains.

Come Hell or High Water

How one UNC researcher aims to limit flood risk through floodplain buyouts.
Photo of a researcher hold a small lobster in their hand.

Sparking IDEAs in the Geosciences

Most young scientists don't get the opportunity to do field work until college. The UNC Environmental Resources summer program is working to change that.
Detailed image of a cop wearing a body cam.

Files for Miles: Body Cams Cause Big Data Problems

Requiring police officers to wear cameras isn’t quite as simple as it sounds.
Illustration of a baby in an incubator, crying, with the words "Warning: Smoke During Pregnancy Can Harm Your Baby." above it and the phone number "1-800-QUIT-NOW" below.

Cigarettes: The Big Picture

Will graphic warnings motivate people to quit smoking?
Photo of an older Egyptian woman casting her vote during the second round of a referendum.

Election Selection

Around the world, Andy Reynolds helps new democracies live up to the name.
Illustration of someone getting a vaccine to help prevent the flu.

The Defense Against Flu

Obesity makes influenza more dangerous. But it may also give us clues about how to stop potentially fatal flu earlier.
Portrait of Kim Gaetzbetterqual.

Cleaning up Air Quality

A UNC researcher investigates why North Carolina teachers are having trouble breathing—in their own classrooms.
Portrait of Maggie Kovach.

Beat the Heat

As summer approaches, Maggie Kovach is finding ways for North Carolinians to avoid getting sick from the sun.
Old photo of the O'Neal children.

The Family Disease

Cystic fibrosis took five of her siblings at a young age. Now, Wanda O’Neal is part of a team of UNC researchers searching for reasons why. Their latest work provides insight that will help unravel why a sixth sibling with CF is living a productive life as he turns 50.
Portrait of Bryan Davis.

Plotting a Prisoner’s Parole

If you're sentenced to life in prison, you might eventually be released through parole. But what are the chances a prisoner with a life sentence will actually get parole? A UNC researcher dug through years of data to find out.